
Remi’s Choice by Amanda Wylde….Release Blitz & Review

RC Release Blitz banner [39613]

Title: Remi’s Choice

Author: Amanda Wylde #MysteryAuthor

Genre: NA | Contemporary Erotic Romance

Release Date:  June 10, 2016

GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/30076152-remi-s-choice

Purchase Links

Amazon US: http://amzn.to/1PIMiP5

Amazon UK http://amzn.to/25MGrMw



Sinfully sexy Travis De Luca came into Remi’s life when she was young, inexperienced, and easily dazzled. With his scandalous words and wickedly sexy grins, he possessed a power no one should have over another. He was a foul mouthed, trouble-making thug to everyone else, but she’d witnessed the vulnerable side he hid so well. After one earth-shattering experience and his declaration of love, her bodyand soul were hooked.

When Travis is sent away without warning, Kristiano De Luca—his equally sexy cousin—comes into Remi’s life as a friendwhen she needs one most. After years with no word and waiting for Travis to come back, she loses hope, and the friendship she’s built with Kris grows  intosomethingbeautiful that fills the void Travis left behind.

But a surprise return from Travis and one passionate night with him throw all their lives into chaos, and nothing will ever be the same again.

Author’s note to reader: Imagine two heroes with your all time favorite qualities. Hot, bad boy, tattoos, dirty mouths, hot head alpha to a fault and possessive as ALL hell. Both going for the same girl!

Remi's Mine - Remi's Choice [39614]


I was so excited to jump into this book after Amanda contacted me asking if I could read this in exchange for an honest review.  And she went beyond my expectations. 

Remi’s Choice is a love triangle but not what you would think.  Travis and Remi have known each other since they were kids – she used to babysit him and his younger brothers.  But then he’s quickly pulled from their lives and she never hears from him again.

Kris is Travis’ cousin but they aren’t exactly close and when Kris moves in with Travis’ family, he becomes close to Remi.  Kris and Remi build on their friendship and just when Remi is finally ready to give Kris more, Travis rolls back into Remi’s life.  But will Remi make the right choice?  The man who is very right for her or the man who’s willing to be her everything?

I love how Amanda works this plot out.  Its not an easy, that’s for damn sure.  Remi is torn and really, can you blame the woman??  Two extremely hot Italian men want her! *fans self*  What I really enjoyed was being able to read this book from all three of their POV’s.  You get to see Remi’s struggle with what she wants and what she feels is right.  Travis’ indecision to fight for what he wants or continue on the path he was on.  Kris’ inner battle with himself – is he reading too far into things or is it really just the stress of both their new jobs causing the tension?

Amanda makes her characters feel very real – their decisions, interactions and how they handle things makes this book very life-like. She kept them true to who they are.  Just because a girl walks into their lives, they don’t become a totally different person or start acting totally different.

I enjoyed reading everything play out like I was watching a movie.  I could easily picture every scene.  And some of those sex sense – WOAH!!  I really liked every bit of this book! 

I can’t wait to see what she brings us next!

C signature

Graze of his touch - Remi's Choice [39615]

Sneak Peak:

“Why do I make you so nervous?” I ask, breathing in the scent of her insecurity.

“I don’t know,” she whispers back, not denying that I do, like I knew she wouldn’t.

Remi may be eighteen, but her body’s reaction to me is exactly what a girl her age should be—innocently enthralled. I almost envy it. My innocence is long gone, but hers is exactly what draws me to her. She enthralls me like no other girl ever has. What I feel when I know she’ll be around, makes me feel strangely innocent too. It makes my heart feel so crazy. Except unlike Remi, I’m better at concealing it.

“I know you’re a virgin, Cherry.” She nods as her eyes close for a moment. “But has anyone ever licked your pussy?” Her eyes shoot open; her face turns such a deep shade of red I have to laugh. “I’ll take that as a no.”

Remi's Choice Release date [39616]

Author Bio:

Amanda Wylde is an award winning hybrid author of dozens of titles, writing under a pen name to publish stories that give her the freedom to write simply for the love of writing. Stand back and enjoy an author who’s possibly already one of your auto buys, push boundaries and step out of her comfort zone with stories she thought might not otherwise see the light of day.

Author Social links:

Amazon | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads 


  I’ll be giving away a $25 gift card in a sharable rafflecopter that will start June 10th and end June 17th. It’s open internationally and winner will be chosen randomly and announced as soon as they’re chosen. Likely Friday night or Saturday morning.

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  1. Sounds great!

  2. kathy valentine says

    this sounds like a awesome read. i ts on my gr list and amazon wish list too!


  1. […] Remi’s Choice by Amanda Wylde….Release Blitz & Review […]

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