
Manbuns & Martinis by R.L. Griffin…Blog Tour & Review

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My name is Brad Ellis. You think you know me. You don’t know shit. I’ve been a hustler my entire life. I work three jobs to get what I want, but I’m not there yet. I live with a roommate that has been my best friend for over a decade and we make it work, but life is hard. It’s always been hard, until I met Megan Walker.

Sometimes people come into your life and you think it’s just for fun and games. Then they turn into one of the most important people. Don’t take anyone for granted, because as soon as you do they will be gone.

I’m a cover model.

I’m a dreamer.

Never stop hustling.

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I pull my phone out and see I have a text from the ginger I was telling you about.

You haven’t responded to my message about me getting married. I know you’re happy for me you whore. Now tell me how much.

I laugh out loud at the text and then put my phone back in my pocket. Yes, I let her call me a whore. I’d call her one too, but I don’t think she’d let me. We text daily. I wonder if her fiancé knows that? Maybe I should tell him. No, no. I know what we are and we’re friends. She’s a good person and she deserves to be happy. I sometimes wish it could be me that made her happy, but she’s a little out of my reach. That doesn’t make sense? Here’s the thing, people are happy to fuck me, but they think I’m just a painter and personal trainer and that’s all I’ll ever be. Megan likes me for me, I know that about her, but my personal issues come up when I’m with a woman like her. She’s confident, smart and funny as hell. She’s a lawyer and sometimes I can’t keep up with her. Whenever that happened in Vegas I’d just pull her pants off and everything was right with the world, but you can’t make a life together like that, can you?

You know when you meet someone and you just click?  We did that. That’s why we stayed friends, we like each other. I liked fucking her too, but I guess that ship has sailed.

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I enjoyed reading this novella about Brad Ellis, aka “Meat.”  And as scary as it is the admit this, I didn’t know who he was because my dumbass has yet to read Sunshine and Whiskey (please don’t beat me)!   But I promise at some point that I will.

But back to the book.  This was very entertaining and humorous read.  It’s the backstory on Meat, who is obviously in Sunshine and Whiskey.  However, I can attest that if you have not read it (like my moronic self), you are still ok, it not better, reading this first.  It gives you a glimpse of who is he and what goes on inside his head.

I have to say – RL does a fantastic job of writing from a male’s POV.  They really aren’t hard creatures to figure out.  LOL  However, this book will have you laughing, wanting to smack Meat upside the head and also high-fiving Madison. 

RL – I loved this and look forward to reading more from you!

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Stella’s future was set, and it was a bright one. She was engaged to a man she adored, and was headed to law school in the fall. Tragically, her perfectly planned future ends just as it was beginning.

With no ties to family or friends, Stella finds herself alone in a new city, spiraling out of control. Her typical day comes to a close with her passed out on the floor; sometimes clothed.

Luckily, her new roommate, essentially a stranger, is dead set on getting Stella past her grief and back to functioning within society. Putting one foot in front of the other, she climbs up from the bottom of a bottle. Even with all her progress, Stella walks through life unfeeling, numb. Defiant, she sends out warning signals for the world to keep away. But, is that what she really wants?

With the steadfast help of a few tight knit friends, she gradually begins to feel again. She starts to savor the flavor of food again; lets herself notice how the handsome bartender glances at her. Still, after allowing herself a fling, she wonders if she will ever be able to let go of her shattered past, fully enjoy the present, or get over what she thought would be her perfect future and with the man who destroyed her heart.

Purchase Links:

Amazon  Barnes and Noble  Kobo  iBooks

This book will be $0.99 during the release.

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Sometimes the best things in life come from the unexpected. So if you lower your expectations, then you’ll never be disappointed. Sound cheesy? It is, but it’s also true. Clichés come from a grain of truth…like a man with a Porsche is compensating for something, or once a cheater always a cheater—you get the idea. Sorry, I digress. I’m supposed to be telling you what this book is about.

I’m Megan Walker, a lawyer at one of the hottest boutique law firms in Atlanta. I’m on the fast track to making partner and have my entire life planned out…or I did.

We all know how that goes, right? Best laid plans and all that.

Life just threw me a couple curveballs, so I’ve set out to take things into my own hands. By throwing caution to the wind and getting out of my A-type personality bubble, I’m learning more about myself than I have in my twenty-seven years.

Sound like a chick flick, doesn’t it?

It’s not.

Purchase Links:

Amazon  Barnes and Noble  Kobo  iBooks

This book will be $0.99 during the release.

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R.L. resides in the Atlanta area with some cool dudes: her husband, son and two crazy dogs.  She was born and raised in the South.  She attended Georgia Southern University and moved to Washington, D.C. to intern in the United States Senate during the impeachment trial.  Falling in love with the city, she went to law school at American University, Washington College of Law.  By A Thread is R.L.’s second book, but is the first in a series that got her back into writing after a ten year hiatus.  She writes anything from romantic suspense to psychological thriller to romantic comedy. One of the things that readers always say is they never know what kind of story they will get from R.L.

Why do I write?

I seriously can’t sleep! Once the characters get a hold of my brain it’s hard not to get it all out. I just write it down. I wrote my first book as an escape and to de-stress from law school. (i know this sounds crazy!)

What do you like to read?

I love reading, have since I learned how.  My parents would take me every weekend to the book store or the library.  I had every single Babysitter’s Club book.  I read three books at a time and I LOVE all the new adult fiction being published.   I like any book with interesting characters. I like a good story and authors who bring their characters alive –well they inspire me!

Are you a serial reader?

My friends think I’m nuts. Yes, I love to read on the treadmill, in the middle of the night, on the weekend and even listen to audiobooks as I tour the state of GA for my real job! I am on my 2nd kindle in two years. First one just gave up and said I’m done reading!  When my first kindle broke my husband was excited because he thought we would talk again, I just bought another.

Your books are Fiction Right?

Of course, but I’ve been known to take a few things from life experiences.  Also, I can’t really curse in my real life (that much), so I do it in my books. (My mom can deal with it better that way!)

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  1. Well, now…there’s a selection. I’ll follow your advice. Thanks for the heads up!

  2. kathy valentine says

    love the cover!! guys hot! love how he fills out his undies! wow!

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