
The Sins That Bind Us by Geneva Lee….Excerpt Reveal

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View Chapter One here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QYp5iy2wk0BU3D4ogjnFkYw1vO3Kyl5EIK63qqAhhh0/edit?usp=sharing

Meet Jude in The Sins That Bind Us on March 15th

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the sins that bind us full [9284]


I wasn’t given a choice. Not when I did my first line of cocaine. Not when I became a single mother. But I changed, and every decision I’ve made was to protect myself and my son from my weaknesses—and my past.

Until Jude came along and made me question everything, even my own secrets.

The sins I carry with me can never be discovered. Life handed me broken bits of people and left me to construct my own world, and it’s too fragile to take a chance on Jude Mercer.

We write our own stories.

We build our own prisons.

We weave our own lies.

We commit the sins that bind us.

the sins that bind us teaser 1 [9280]

About the Author:

geneva lee [870196]


Geneva Lee prefers fantasy to reality, especially fantasies involving powerful, dangerous, and sexy men. You can find her devouring a good romance while avoiding the laundry and the children. She lives in Kansas City with her family.

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  1. kathy valentine says

    sounds like a hot read, love the cover!

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