
Washington Romance Writers Post Thanksgiving Blog Hop with Kimberly Kincaid & Cristin Harber



Welcome to our stop on the Post Thanksgiving Blog Hop hosted by the Washington Romance Writers! I am so lucky to have Kimberly Kincaid and Cristin Harber here today with their favorite holiday memories…so sit back, relax, and enjoy 🙂 

Kimberly Kincaid:

My Favorite Holiday Memory

We are admittedly huge on Christmas in my house. Always have been. So I’m not exaggerating when I say I have thousands of great holiday memories that could contend as my favorites. Getting all dressed up and going down to Ford’s Theater as a little girl to see A Christmas Carol, all the marathon baking sessions in my mom’s kitchen, being blessed enough to spend each holiday with the people I love and cherish…all of these are near and dear. But my best holiday memory came as a total surprise—both to me and everyone I know.

In 2001, I was busily preparing not just for Christmas, but for the arrival of my first baby. I had a little over three weeks to go, and I’d gotten the all-clear from my doctor to take a two-hour car trip to my mother-in-law’s. On the 22nd, my doctor said, “You’re nowhere near to having this baby. As long as you’re feeling well, go and enjoy your last quiet Christmas for a while.”

Yep. You know where I’m headed, right?

At 5:30 AM Christmas morning, I shot upright in bed. Tapped Mr. K in that wake-up-wake-up-WAKE-UP kind of way. I said, “Um. My water just broke.” He said, “That’s not even funny. Go back to bed.” (oh my God, we all still give him a hard time for that! But he really thought I was kidding) Five minutes later, we both realized it was so not a drill, because my doctor sleepily said, “I’ll meet you at the hospital. Looks like you’re going to have a Christmas baby.”

While the rest of the day wasn’t as eventful as the slam-bang start (that epidural was the best present I ever got!), Reader Girl was born less than eleven hours later. The nurses put a little red and green beanie on her (usually the babies get either pink or blue) and called her the Christmas Angel, and I know I’m biased, but I’ve got to agree. She is sweet and funny and kind, and by far the very best holiday memory a girl could ever ask for. Now every year, we wake up on Christmas morning with “Happy birthday!” on our lips, and we get to celebrate the best of both worlds, all on the same day.


Cristin Harber: 

One year friends and I decided to host a “Single in the City” Thanksgiving. We were fresh out of college, thought we knew basically everything, and decided that all of our families who had stressed years of making thanksgiving dinners were needlessly spazzed out.

So we opened a bottle of wine. We had a plan. Everyone had a task. The turkey was thawed. We had all day to cook our magnificent, stress free meal.

As it turns out, when no one who has ever made a Thanksgiving dinner before starts drinking in the morning, refuses to read directions, and lives in a house with sketchy appliances, things go wrong.

The dressing had sausage in it. Typical enough. The girl who made it didn’t know you were supposed to cook the sausage before putting it in. Thus, we all ate raw pork. #puke

The turkey wasn’t one hundred percent thawed. Who knew? We didn’t. No one checked. It just seemed like it defrosted long enough. So we popped that baby into the oven, giblets removed and stuffing inside. It was still frozen. The oven, which had been acting up, went into ‘oven clean mode’ where it locked itself and turned the heat to level—scorch. We literally had to find the breaker box, shut off the electricity to the house, wait for the oven to cool down before we could take out the bird.

Which was burned to a crisp on the outside, still frozen on the inside. The house stunk like burned bird, and when no one was looking (because we were drowning our sorrows in boxed wine), my girlfriend’s cat jumped on the counter and went to town on the charred bird.

In the end, we ordered pizza and called our families while slightly (very) intoxicated to apologize for not respecting the level of Thanksgiving day stress that they’d endured over the years.

I hope you never have to survive a turkey day debacle like that. Cheers! Xoxo, Cristin



About the authors and some of my fave reads by them:

Kimberly Kincaid:

Kimberly Kincaid Author PicKimberly Kincaid writes contemporary romance novels that split the difference between sexy and sweet, taking the traditional idea of boy-meets-girl and infusing it with a sassy magic all her own. She believes in fiery yet flawed characters destined for a crash-course in falling in love– usually the hard way– and injects her trademark humor as well as poignant touches into her writing to create her stories.

Kimberly’s writing journey has led down some bumpy roads (that first manuscript is under the bed, where it is very likely to stay), but there has been some fresh pavement too (her second manuscript earned her very first contest final, and landed the fantastic Maureen Walters at the Curtis Brown Literary Agency). One thing is certain — the wild ride of being a writer is a lot richer in both its ups and downs because of friends and readers along the path.

When Kimberly’s not sitting cross-legged in an ancient desk chair known as “The Pleather Bomber”, she can be found practicing obscene amounts of yoga, whipping up anything from enchiladas to eclairs in her kitchen, or curled up with her nose in a book. She resides in northern Virginia with her wildly patient husband and their three daughters.

Email: kimberly.kincaid1@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kimberly.kincaid1
Twitter: @KimberlyKincaid
Goodreads: www.goodreads.com
Blog Link: kimberlykincaid.tumblr.com

Some of my fave reads from Kimberly: 

Fire Me Up   |  The Line Collection   |  The Sugar Cookie Sweetheart Swap 

Cristin Harber:




Cristin Harber is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling romance author. She writes sexy, steamy romantic suspense and military romance. Readers voted her onto Amazon’s Top Picks for Debut Romance Authors in 2013, and her debut Titan series was both a #1 romantic suspense and #1 military romance bestseller.

Cristin’s Facebook page
Team Titan Facebook page

Some of my fave reads from Cristin:

Only Series  |  The Titan Series Box Set  |  Hart Attack


Comment on this blog post to enter to win a $1o Amazon Gift Card….winner will be chosen Monday 11/30

…and don’t forget to hop on over to the other stops:

Nerd Girl Official:

Elisabeth Staab: Nov 27

Lynne Silver: Nov 28

Meredith Bond: Nov 29

KellyMaher’ Blog:

Lynne Silver, Nov 28

CelticBarb’s Blog:

Joanna Bourne, Nov 28

ReadLove Blog:

Cristin Harbor, Nov 28

Kimberly Kincaid, Nov 28


Caryn Moya Block: Nov 19

Rachel Rawlings: Nov 29


Elisabeth Staab Dec 15

Wendy LaCapra Dec 15

Thanks so much for stopping by!


  1. Happy Hollidays!!!

  2. Good morning! Oddly enough, I’ve read and agree with you re Kinberly Kincaid! I’ve not had the pleasure of reading Cristin Harber yet, a situation I now must remedy!

    Thank you for this intro and for enjoying Kimberly as much as I do!

  3. Thank you for the Blog Hop!!

  4. Theresa Fischer says

    Oh wow! What great stories. I have read Cristin’s books but not Kimberly. theresafischer(at)bellsouth(dot)net

  5. Cheryl Hastings says

    Thank you sharing your stories with us, ladies. I wonder if reader girl ever dislikes her birthday being on Christmas…my daughter has friends born the day before, of and after…not all are thrilled about it! And Cristin, your story made me laugh, and slightly queasy, lol! Happy holidays!

  6. Thank you for sharing your stories. The best holiday memories are the ones that never go as planned.

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