
Mad About Michelle!

Spreading the Love for Michelle Leighton!!!!

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I first came across Michelle’s book back in 2012 when I found her Blood Like Poison series pop up as a recommended read for me. From her first book in that series (For the Love of a Vampire) I was hooked on her writing style. Then came The Wild One series which was different from her paranormal series but had her unique and gripping writing style.

I fell in love even more with Michelle’s writing when I read her standalone Fragile. This book seriously pulled at my heart strings and sealed her as one of my top 5 favorite authors.

I could go on and on about the different series and books I have read of Michelle’s and how she is just a fantastic and amazing author.

But what makes Michelle stand out to me is who she is as a person. I have never had the privilege of ever meeting Michelle, yet. However, she always been gracious and takes time out of her day to either talk with me about books and just anything going on life. She has such a caring and honest heart. Her personality shines so bright!

Michelle – I can’t say enough awesome things about you. You are definitely one of a kind and I hope that you know how deeply you touch your fans, friends and family each day.


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