
Archives for September 18, 2015

Breathe by CD Reiss….Release Day Event

DISCOVER JONATHAN IN THIS HOT STANDALONE If you haven’t fallen in love with Jonathan yet, or you have friends who have yet to discover him, this is the book to try. AVAILABLE NOW   Amazon US: http://amzn.to/1FEm8mj Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/1Jx84wr Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/1ihkD8l Kobo: http://bit.ly/1F5ao19 iBooks:http://apple.co/1UOxL0V Google Play: http://bit.ly/1UL8U3m Read an excerpt on CD […]

Trigger by Kirsty-Anne Still….Release Blitz

Title: Trigger (Pericolo #2.5. Full length standalone) Author: Kirsty-Anne Still Release Date: Sept 18, 2015 Find on Goodreads I used to watch her through the lights. I watched as her body turned and twisted as she morphed into my siren. I wanted her—I craved every ounce of Ryleigh Turner. But I knew once I had […]

Under My Skin by J.Kenner…Blog Tour Stop

Jackson Steele and Sylvia Brooks are back in the powerful finale of a provocative, sizzling-hot new erotic trilogy set in the world of J. Kenner’s beloved Stark novels: Release Me, Claim Me, and Complete Me. He’s the only man I’ve ever loved, and the one man I can’t bear to lose. Jackson Steele is my […]

Complicate Me by M. Robinson….Blog Tour & Review

BLOG TOUR Title: Complicate Me (The Good Ol’ Boys) Author: Best Selling Author M. ROBINSON Genre: Contemporary Romance Release Day: September 14th Cover Design: Rebecca Marie at The Final Wrap  www.thefinalwrap.com or www.Facebook.com/thefinalwrap It was complicated, it was also just the beginning. A decision. A simple choice. There is always that one moment in life […]

Drowning to Breathe by A.L. Jackson….Excerpt & Teaser Blitz

The danger in pretending is it becoming real… Sebastian Stone, Sunder front man and guitarist with a rap sheet about ten miles long, escaped to Savannah, Georgia, to get away from the trouble he’d caused. Not find more of it.     The moment he saw Shea Bentley, he saw beneath all her sweet and innocence to something […]