
Archives for August 4, 2015

Flame by Erin Noelle…. Blog Tour & Review

RELEASE DAY: AUGUST 6, 2015 SYNOPSIS: I’m soaring. After years of hard work and determination, I am exactly where I want to be in life. As the top ranked Freestyle Motocross rider in the world, I have more money than I could ever dream of spending and gorgeous women throwing themselves at me in every […]

Servicing The Target by Cherise Sinclair….Excerpt Tour Stop

  We are absolutely thrilled to bring you the Review & Excerpt Tour Cherise Sinclair’s SERVICING THE TARGET! SERVICING THE TARGET is a novel in her Masters of the Shadowland Series. This amazing book releases on July 28th! Grab your copy today!   Amazon ** iTunes ** GooglePlay ** Barnes & Noble ** Kobo ** […]