My review:
Thin Love is the latest work from author Eden Butler, an author I have really enjoyed reading. This book was different from her other works but just as great to read. Intense, emotional, and sexy…a rollercoaster of a read for sure!
Kona and Keira are the unlikely couple. She’s the intelligent and focused understated beauty with a good head on her shoulders and a desire to succeed and do well in life. Kona is the sexy flirt of a football star with girls lined up around the block with the desire to do just well enough in school to pass and get on with his NFL career. Two people who couldn’t be more different….sort of. After being paired together for a class assignment they realize they have more than a few things in common. A less than fabulous and comfy home life with less than stellar and supportive parents just to name two. Somewhere along the way, while working on their project, an undeniable attraction has caught them both off guard. An intense, beyond all things reasonable attraction, that after fighting off for bit, consumes them both. Consumes them with a passion and fire neither one has ever experienced. Unfortunately, the passion they share doesn’t appear to be enough to withstand the pressure of those less than supportive parents. Add those pressures to an unbearable tragedy and it all adds up to too much for their relationship to stand up against. Maybe it was never meant to be after all? Or was it…..
So, I mentioned this story was intense and I meant it. Not in a bad way, don’t get me wrong, but in a way that reminded me of just how insanely intense that first real relationship could be. This is almost a story dedicated to those sleepless nights after a fight, or those insanely jealous feelings when you saw your boyfriend talking to another girl at a party. Looking back on it now, sure, they seem ridiculously overkill but if you can just take yourself back, and put yourself back into those younger-self shoes, you will appreciate this book.
Kona and Keira were combustible in many ways but on the flip side they were good for each other in many ways. They made a good, albeit passionate, couple and their intensity was enjoyable to read. There are a few other aspects to this story that take it above the level of a typical college romance but I don’t want to ruin it for any of you so I’ll remain tight-lipped. It added a layer to the story that ratcheted the intensity up a few more notches and made it that much more of an uncertainty laced rollercoaster ride. It’s those aspects that led to the end of Kona and Keira’s college romance. And it was heartbreaking. I sobbed my eyes out but it was the ending they needed…at that time.
Luckily Eden gives us a fast-forward to 16 years later, to the present day, and that made for a beautiful ending! I’m so glad she wrote Kona and Keira’s story in that way. It made al of the earlier intensity and tragedy worth it in a way and had me so happy for them as a couple. Again, I can’t give too much away so you’ll just have to trust me.
Thank you, Eden, for one hell of an intense ride…and for all of the music mentions that took me right back to my senior year of high school/freshman year of college. I loved it!
Four Loves
“What’s the matter, Wildcat?” Kona lay on top of her, held her hip with his long fingers. “You nervous?”
She could only manage a nod and Kona smiled, moving his mouth to her neck, down her shoulder, kissing lightly. “We don’t have to do this. I can wait.”
“No!” She panicked at the thought. He laughed at her excitement and that touch on her hip got tighter. “No,” she said, voice a bit calmer. “I want you, Kona.”
He looked at her, smile gone, expression relaxed. “I’ve wanted you for weeks and weeks.” Keira exhaled, moving the hair off her forehead. “It’s just been a while and you’re so…” She flicked her eyes down then quickly back up again. “You’re a lot bigger than I expected.”
“Ha, sweetheart, you’re good for my ego, but it’s just me.” Kona kissed her again, slipping just the tip of his tongue into her mouth before he pulled away. “I’ll be easy with you, Wildcat. I’ll be so slow and good, but maybe this will help.” Kona’s hand left her hip, slipped between her thighs easily and he coaxed more wetness from her, teasing her lips, taking his time to touch her clit. Keira shuddered, held her hand against his wrist as he continued and Kona took her lead, rubbed once more over her clit before he slipped two fingers inside her. He’d learned her body in the past few weeks and Keira had been grateful that she didn’t have to tell him what she wanted, what felt best. He always seemed to know. His mouth was warm, tongue eager as he kissed her, as those large fingers curled and his knuckles touched the spot that sent her mind swimming. He never had to touch her for long, always knew exactly how to read the lift of her voice, the collection of sounds that gave away just how good she felt when he touched her. That night was no exception. Just a few sure rubs of his knuckles against her G-spot and Keira was flying, hips off the mattress as her body chased that orgasm.
“Beautiful. Every time, Wildcat. So beautiful.” Another kiss against her neck, with Keira still spinning on the crest of her orgasm and Kona slipped inside of her.
“God…” Kona moved his hips slow, barely moved an inch and already Keira felt full, felt she couldn’t be stretched any further. When he slid deeper, she hissed, not from the pain but from how sensitive she already was.
“You okay? You want me to stop?”
“No,” she told him, opening her eyes so he’d know she wasn’t hurting. “God, no, please keep going. You just fill me up. It’s so good, bebe.” Kona stilled inside her and a small quirk of his mouth told Keira he was pleased. “That’s the first time you’ve ever called me that.”
“I’ll say it again just to keep that smile on your face.”
Then Keira lifted her legs, wrapped them around Kona’s hips and she let herself be filled as he worked inside her. Everything about Kona was huge; his body, his cock, his voice, his presence and all of it filled Keira’s room as well as her body, moved around them and through them and she felt high, so high on him, on the sensation of him moving inside of her, his hands on her breasts, his fingers clasped with hers as he lifted her hands above her head on the pillow and pinned them there.
Sweat pooled over their skin, met together in the twist of their bodies and when Kona stared down at her, kissed her like her lips would give him breath, Keira shuddered, squeezed against him. The light was thin and Keira could only make out the outline of his features, the small glint in his eyes and it was too much, too overwhelming, but she would not run this time, she wouldn’t tell herself she could do without this. Not again. Not anymore. She belonged to him. Her body, her heart, no matter how beaten and worn it was, belonged to Kona Hale. Keira squeezed against him again and Kona stilled, stared down at her with a smile that told her he wanted to control this, lead her. “Don’t squeeze,” he said, pulling her hips up, hitting inside her deeper.
“If you open up, baby, go wide for me, relax, I can make you come hard, I can make it last for you.” A slow thrust, deeper, harder and Keira arched against him, relaxed her inner muscles even as she throbbed against him. “Perfect, so perfect.”
This was deeper, freer somehow, letting Kona move them, letting him control the moment and Keira held onto Kona like he would anchor her, keep her from floating above herself. “Come for me, baby. Give it to me completely and I’ll make it so, so good for you. I’ll take care of you when you shatter against me.”
And Keira listened, guessed that this is what Kona needed—that slip of control she gave to him. She let go, pushed out, relinquishing herself, giving her body to Kona, rather than closing off, pulling in, and the effect was substantial. He moved in closer, worked faster and Keira let herself open, relax until that heavenly sensation came upon her, urged on by Kona’s strong hands on her hips, his wide dick touching all the way inside her and when the orgasm came, it mirrored her heart—free, unyielding, explosive.
“God… ,” Kona said, voice rising higher and higher with each grunt he made, hips slamming into her hard, fast, faster, and Keira knew he was hitting his crest. Shoulders shaking, hips pumping faster and faster, Kona released a groan, filling her, throbbing inside her as he came. Then he pulled his hand from hers and held the back of her neck, stared down at her with his thumb on her cheek.
“This is always, Wildcat. You… you’re my always.

About Eden
Thanks for the post and your thoughts, I enjoyed reading them. I love the Seeking Serenity series and this looks wonderful also, I am excited to read this!
Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to read it. I adore her seeking Serenity series as well. Devoured those books!
I’m really looking forward to this one. Thanks so much for the post.