
Kiss Me at Midnight by Diane Alberts….Release Day Blitz & Review

KissMeATMidnight cover

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Her New Year’s resolution was seduction…

Doctor Ashley Hanes has one mission and one mission only—end her annoyingly long dry streak and ring in the New Year with a bang. Literally. When her long lost and oh-so-sexy ex-best friend, Ethan Pierce, shows up as if he hadn’t broken her heart all those years ago, suddenly she doesn’t want to bring home just any man. She wants Ethan.

What should have been one night of blow-your-mind make-up sex quickly turns into another. And another. Before long, Ashley thinks maybe she and Ethan should reunite for good. If only the elusive bachelor will stop running from his tortured past and trust a future in Ashley’s arms…


My review:

Kiss Me At Midnight is the latest work from author Diane Alberts (aka: Jen McLaughlin).  I am a huge fan of Diane’s work and was so excited to get my hands on an early copy of this book.  Well, somebody better turn the heat down in here because this book is smoking hot!  I loved it!

Ashley Hanes is NOT here at this hometown bar, on New Years Eve, looking for her old sort-of-almost-high-school-flame Ethan.  Nope.  She’s not hoping against hope that he will stop here while in town visiting his family for the holidays.  She’s also totally fooling herself.  She would do anything to have a chance to see him again and tell him exactly what she thinks of him and how he totally cut her out of his life for no apparent reason their senior year of high school.  She had a huge crush on him back then and would love a chance to tell him that he had blown it with her.  All that bravado goes out the window when he actually does walk into the bar and she is dumbstruck with how gorgeous a man he’s become.  Plans have changed and instead of giving him a piece of her mind, she’d much rather give him a piece of ass….hers to be exact.  The question is:  will she be able to give him that without giving him a piece of her heart?

Having a thing for redheads thanks to his high school crush Ashley, Ethan has his sights set on the strawberry blonde sitting at the end of the bar he’s just walked in to.  He’d rather be anywhere but here, in this bar, on New Year’s Eve, in his godforsaken hometown but now that he was here, he’d make the most of it.  Some fun with this girl is just what the doctor ordered.  Talk about a shock when this very redhead turns out to be the redhead that has haunted his memory since leaving her behind nine years ago.  The glare she’s sporting is a clear indication that she hasn’t forgotten how he behaved those last few months and his only desire it to apologize and make up for lost time.  What better way to do that then with some hot, intense, mind-blowing sex? Hopefully he could leave his heart out of the mix….but knowing him, there’s no way that would be possible when it came to Ashley.

Oh.  My.  Inferno.  This by far is the hottest work of Diane’s and holy mother of all things hot and sexy, it was delicious! What made it easy for this story to fall right into the smoking hot scenes was that the formality of meeting/getting to know one another wasn’t a factor.  The history was already there between Ethan and Ashley so we can get right to it.  Ashley wasn’t shy at all about what she wanted and it’s always a pleasure to read a strong, no-nonsense heroine.  Ethan is an alpha in the bedroom with many endearing facets to his personality that I really enjoyed.  What started out between them as mutually agreed upon no-strings sex turns into an awakening of feelings neither one wants to admit to and it was an emotional ride towards the end.  A ride I thoroughly loved, of course!  The ending of this story was so special and I was crying big fat happy tears.  Give me a book that goes from scorching to sweet and you’ve given me a winner!

I’ve got say, Diane just keeps getting better with every book she writes.  I will continue to look forward to her work and recommend Kiss Me At Midnight to anyone looking for a great read with plenty of heat and emotion.  Thank you, Diane!  Can’t wait to see what you have in store for us next!

5LovesRLBFive Loves





Diane is giving away an ebook set of her ‘Take a Chance’ series, which includes Try Me, Love Me, Play Me, and Take Me.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
About the author:

Diane Alberts Author picDiane Alberts is a multi-published, bestselling contemporary romance author with Entangled Publishing. She also writes New York Times and USA Today bestselling new adult books under the name Jen McLaughlin. ON ONE CONDITION hit #18 on the Barnes and Noble bestseller list, and TRY ME hit #76 on Amazon. CAPTIVATED BY YOU hit #31 on the Barnes and Noble bestseller list. Diane is represented by Louise Fury at The Bent Agency. Her goal is to write so many fantastic stories that even a non-romance reader will know her name.

Diane has always been a dreamer with a vivid imagination, but it wasn’t until 2011 that she put her pen where her brain was, and became a published author.  Since receiving her first contract offer, she has yet to stop writing. Though she lives in the mountains, she really wishes she was surrounded by a hot, sunny beach with crystal clear water. She lives in Northeast Pennsylvania with her four kids, a husband, a schnauzer mutt, a cat, and a Senegal parrot. In the rare moments when she’s not writing, she can usually be found hunched over one knitting project or another.

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