
Flirting With Chaos by Kenya Wright….Blog Tour Stop & Guest Post

Welcome to my stop on the Flirting With Chaos by Kenya Wright Blog Tour!
I have a fan-FREAKING-tastic guest post to share with you.  Seriously, this ranks as one of my fave guest posts ever.
Thank you, Kenya, for stopping by and rocking it!
Title: Flirting With Chaos
Author: Kenya Wright
Genre: New Adult Rock Star Erotic Romance

Release Date: November 19, 2013

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Can two mentally unstable best friends have sex and not drown in chaos?

Rain’s been washing blood off her hands for far too long. After five years, she accepts the fact that she”s still a little crazy but feels as if she’s finally gotten it all under control.

Parties, drugs, and sex flood Jude’s life, and music and scandal run through his veins. He’s the son of a rock god and grandson of a jazz legend. It’s no surprise that his own star is on the rise, and with so many groupies vying for his attention, his childhood best friend Rain keeps him anchored in reality.

She’s nothing like him–an art student with no idea of her own beauty, who would rather curl up with a sci-fi novel than party in the spotlight. Everything changes when she asks him for a unique favor: she wants him to take her virginity. He’s more than willing to oblige, but things get complicated when his pervy father gets involved. Meanwhile, intense feelings rise to the surface, ones neither Rain nor Jude are prepared to deal with.

If their relationship has any chance for survival, she must finally confront the demons of her past, and he must face the addictions of the present. When the smoke clears, will they find that sex between best friends was a good idea, or will they discover they had been Flirting With Chaos the entire time?


An intricate pattern of colorful tattoos decorated both of his arms. It was a mural of his life—stars that intertwined with musical notes; guitars interlocked into microphones; nude, big breasted angels riding hulky demons. Those arms and that face had adorned the covers of magazines for years. Now he represented a legend of rock history. To obtain his interview would mean lots of money and skilled maneuvering through his agent, publicist, bodyguards, entourage, and any of the other people that walled him away from society.

Guest Post

The Deceptive Significance of Cover Art

People who say they don’t judge a book by a cover are full of shit



I just wanted to set the mood and let you know that this blog post won’t be lathered in B.S. I won’t be shoveling fake opinions in an attempt to woo you into liking me enough to buy my books.


Today, after two large coffees and not much sleep, I will be raw, honest, and probably piss you off. Not that I’m not usually honest, it’s just in this moment, I refuse to sugar coat this message.


Book covers matter. Sometimes more than the implementation of the whole plot-line.
Isn’t that fucked up?
For a writer, it’s disappointing and horrific that before someone gives your words and characters a chance. . .they judge your cover, something that is so outside of your creative process. . .it’s ridiculous
However, as a reader, I won’t buy a book if it isn’t pleasing to the eyes, well-executed, or grab my attention in some way. So although I’m annoyed about book covers representing the story as an author. . .oh I’m a complete contradictory person when it comes to me buying a book.
But let’s dig deeper. . .
Which book would you buy?
An unexpected experiment happened for me back in the fall of 2013 (so long ago). Amazon decided to finally regulate ebooks that they considered breaking their mature content rules. Basically, the site started deleting books that appeared to involve incest, pedophilia, bestiality, and all those things that pretty much disgust the normal population of people. 
My novel The Babysitter was deleted because (I assume) it showed a “shadowy vagina” and because the woman looked like an underage girl with a teddy bear. 
What is interesting is the next day I quickly grabbed a quick stock image that I believed represented the characters and the plot-line, then had an artist due the font. I more wanted my short story out there for my fans who were waiting on other books.
This became the cover. . .three hours later. . .The Babysitter was on the Erotica Bestseller’s list as if triggered by magic.
With the other cover, the novel sold five books a day. With the new cover, it sold a thousand books in two weeks. The book continued to rise up to the top twenty on the Erotica list and remained there for several weeks.
Is this confirmed proof that book covers matter?
There are so many reasons why people decided to give my short story a try on that day and all of those reasons could have nothing to do with the cover. 
However, do I place more significance on books covers these days?
Um. . .did you see the part about the book going from 5 sales to a thousand?


About the author:
Kenya Wright always knew she would be famous since the ripe old age of six when she sang the Michael Jackson thriller song in her bathroom mirror. She has tried her hand at many things from enlisting in the Navy for six years as a Persian-Farsi linguist to being a nude model at an art university.
However, writing has been the only constant love in her life. Will she succeed? Of course.
For she has been coined The Urban Fantasy Queen, the Super Iconic Writer of this Age, The Lyrical Genius of Our Generation. Granted, these are all terms coined by her, within the private walls of her bathroom as she still sings the Michael Jackson thriller song.
Kenya Wright currently resides in Miami with her three amazing, overactive children, a supportive, gorgeous husband, and three cool black cats that refuse to stop sleeping on Kenya’s head at night.


  1. It was a lot of fun doing that post! Thanks

    • I have to say it again…I freaking LOVE this guest post! Thank you for being here and come back again…soon and lots! Xo ~Jillian

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