Happy Holidays!
It’s that time of year again! Time for fun, spending time with friends and family and of course, GIFTS!
I am so happy to be a part of the Mistletoe Madness Blog Hop and be able to share this amazing event with you all.
There are giveaways from each author on the blog hop and each author can easily be found below. All you have to do is click on their name and you will be redirected to their site where you can see their giveaway and enter the rafflecopter to be entered to win.
~*~ For my giveaway on the Blog Hop, I will be giving away a $25 gift card to the winner’s choice of either Amazon OR Barnes & Noble. The Rafflecopter to enter to win is below the author list. ~*~
The Blog Hop Grand Prize is a $200 Best Buy gift card and a USB flash drive loaded with books from the sponsors. How exciting is that?
Thanks so much for stopping by and enjoy!
Visit The Mistletoe Madness Blog Hop 2013 Main Page to enter to win the Grand Prize! Click Here
~*~ ~*~ ~*~
party or vacation

thx u for hosting
My favorite thing about the holidays is seeing my kids face Christmas morning.
Hot cranberry tea that I make on Christmas. I look forward to it every year! Thanks for the giveaway!
My favorite thing would be getting my traditional Carole Matthews book in the mail and the countless cups of tea, mince pies and christmas journaling that proceeds the arrival.
Enjoying the extra days off and spending time with my children
Happy Holidays!
The atmosphere when the family gets together and the seasonal coffee’s! I’m addicted to the gingerbread latte’s
Merry Christmas and thanks for the giveaway!
Watching my kids open presents! Thanks for the giveaway and Merry Christmas!
Can I pick everything? I just love the whole Christmas season.
Being with family, finding the right gift for my family. I love to shop.
My favorite thing about the holidays? The time spent with family and friends.
Having family together
Seeing my family.
Oops, that last comment was me, I started typing in the wrong box and didn’t realise till it was too late
Best part of christmas is getting together with family. All of our children are grown up and starting to have grandbabies, grand nephews and grand nieces. We will be hollding babies this Christmas.
My favorite thing about the holidays is the spirit of giving. michelle_willms(at)yahoo(dot)com.
My favorite things about the holidays is being with friends and family.
Food, family and friends!
Spending time with my family….and cookies!
Happy Holidays and thanks for the amazing giveaway!
elizabeth @ bookattict . com
I really look forward to all of the scrumptious desserts served at this time of year. I usually don’t eat many during the rest of the year so it is a real treat for me.
I love decorating the house with the kids for the holidays and wrapping presents!
I love the decorations! Thanks for the giveaway!
I <3 the festive feeling in the air!
giving gifts
The food
Thanks for the giveaway!
I love the Christmas Lights of the houses. They make me smile! Happy Holiday one and all.
spending time with family and movie marathon
I love watching all the children’s excitement and getting together with family and friends. Wishing everyone a wonderful and magical holiday season! evamillien at gmail dot com
My favorite thing is getting together with my family.
I love the hope and magick.. I love the surprises.
Extra time to read…while eating cookies
Thank you for the giveaway & Merry Christmas!
Having my family home for Christmas! Happy Holidays! nlaverdure88@videotron.ca
the decorations
I love the gifts and decorations.
Spending time with my family.
Thanks for the chance to win!
My favorite thing about the holidays is buying the perfect gifts for everyone! My hubby is the hardest person to buy for. Not only is he picky, he also buys whatever he want for himself all year long and leaves me with barely any options. Lol.
Have a wonderful holiday! Thank you for the fantastic giveaway!
My favorite things about the holidays is being with my family, playing games and making goodies!
Hi! I love spending time with my family.
Its my favorite thing! We cook together, play games, watch movies, etc. Thanks for being apart of this great hop! Im having a blast! Thank you! Happy holidays!
Spending more time with family and friends.