
Fall Into Me by K.M. Scott…ARC Review

Fall Into Me releases tomorrow

Fall Into Me COVER

Book links:


*I will post the purchase links when they become available on release day


Wealthier and more powerful than most men his age, Tristan Stone merely has to give voice to his desires and whatever he wants is his. Money has given him the ability to say nothing and no one is beyond his reach.

Except for Nina. Stripped of her memory after an accident, she doesn’t remember the man who loves her. Now he must find a way to show her why she fell in love with him, but the past is always just a step behind, threatening to take her away forever.

Unsure of everything about the past four years, Nina believes that Tristan loves her. But will the secrets he holds tear them apart just when she needs him most?


My review:

*Reviewer note:  if you haven’t read the first in the series, Crash Into Me, I recommend you do so before reading Fall Into Me and this review*

Fall Into Me is the second book in author K.M. Scott’s Heart of Stone trilogy and picks up where the story left off in Crash Into Me.  I was dying to get my hands on this book to see what was in store for Tristan and Nina. Well, K.M. did it again…another emotional ride from start to finish that left me wanting more!

The last four years of Nina’s life are a total mystery.  After the accident, she found she had completely lost her memories of those years.  That includes Tristan and their entire relationship.  Her best friend Jordan has assured her that she and Tristan are crazy about one another, and just looking at Tristan and knowing how much he cared for her the whole time she was in the hospital, it was plain to see that he indeed cared for her very much.  The problem was, he was practically a stranger to her.  She was more than willing to take a chance at love at see if her memories would come back and give her back the happiness she had found with him, but what if they never did?  Would she have to learn to love him all over again? What if, when all was said and done, she didn’t?  The only way to find out was to put her faith in Tristan and the relationship they had and jump in with both feet.

Tristan should have felt immense relief when Nina was alive and well after the accident.  He was relieved, of course, but not completely.  Between the two of them, he was the only one that remembered why she left that day and got into the accident in the first place.  And now knowing he was going to have to tell her all over again was a special kind of torture.  He needed more time.  More time to find out more information on what her father stumbled across those four years ago and why it was damaging enough to his family that his father had the man killed.  First things first, though.  He was bound and determined to get Nina to fall in love with him again.  After that, maybe if he had more details on the darker side of his family, she would love him enough to believe he was truly sorry for the horrific pain his monster of a father had caused her.

The obstacles Nina and Tristan are numerous and enormously significant.  Will the love that they had found, and hope to find again, be enough to forgive the sins of a power hungry businessman?

Whoa.  Well, what began as a mission of discovering love again turned into a mystery with a thick and devious plot that I sure as hell never saw coming.  Nina, as in the last story, was a refreshing heroine with her open and honest attitude.  I admired her willingness to believe in what she and Tristan had and take a chance at finding it again.  Her frustrations with memory loss broke my heart and I was pulling for her from the very beginning to find some spark that would jog a memory or two.  She’s a strong gal, that Nina.  Tristan and his internal struggles were dark, desolate and written really well.  Trying so hard to keep a mask in place to keep Nina happy took its toll on him towards the end and his ultimate break down was such a real response to the stress of keeping up such a hard façade.  Tristan stumbles across more details of just how treacherous his father really was and it was worse than he thought in the first book and it hurt him even more to have to tell Nina the truth eventually.  I never saw parts of this story coming and it was a shocking and enjoyable added layer to the mystery!  There were many happy and loving moments in this book as well as the intense scorching heat I adore so much between Nina and Tristan but the ending kicked my ass (and yes, of course, I freaking loved it!)

Now, because I know some of you loathe cliffhanger-ish endings, I feel I should mention that some might think this story fits into that category.  I don’t…I feel that some questions were answered and other mysteries revealed.  I enjoyed it!

Thank you, K.M., for another thrilling installment and I am eagerly awaiting the final chapter in the Heart of Stone Trilogy!

4LovesRLBFour Loves


About the author:

USA Today bestselling contemporary romance author who loves sexy stories, sexier men, and HEAs (not necessarily in that order)

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  1. hmmmm That sounds interesting, thank you for putting time to share that 🙂

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