
Blog Tour Stop & Review….Hers by Dawn Robertson


 Welcome to my stop on the Hers by Dawn Robertson Blog Tour!

Please enjoy my review and thanks for stopping by!


Book links:

Amazon  ~  Barnes & Noble   ~  Goodreads


I am weak.

I am lonely.

I am a slut.

I am strong.

I am Dominant.

I am independent.

I am Seven James.

My entire life, no one has wanted me, and that was fine, because I sure as shit didn’t need anyone else. Blah, Blah Blah, insert sad story here about negligent parents, and shitty siblings, and you have my life story in a nut shell. When my college boyfriend dumped me, it was just icing on the cake. Five years, and a booming career later I am here to collect my revenge.

That was until a delicious plaything walked into the kink club I frequent, and rocked my typically un-rockable world. Causing me to break the one rule I have lived by since Daniel Alexander walked out of my life, never have sex with the same person twice. Ever.

Warning!!!! Hers contains sexually explicit situations that may be uncomfortable for some. These include FF, FMF, and MFM interactions.


My Review:

Hers is the debut work from author Dawn Robertson and the first in a sexy new series.  This was a great, smoking hot start and I gobbled it up on one sitting!

Seven James decided years ago when her college boyfriend left her she wasn’t going to be treated like dirt ever again.   Since then it has been her mission to teach him a very important lesson:  Don’t eff with Seven James.  Now her company is taking over his family’s business and she plans on making her ex miserable…by being his boss.  Revenge never felt so sweet.  To celebrate, Seven goes to her favorite kink club to blow off some steam and indulge her darker side.  The darker side that was spawned after years of being unloved and unwanted.  Pushing her sexual limits is now what brings Seven a sense of peace and the minute she sees the hot newbie in the club, she knows he’s the one who will be helping her get to her happy place tonight.  Too bad Seven has a one-and-done rule because he proves to be one hell of a partner and gives her the most pleasure she’s felt in a really long time.  Clearly fate doesn’t like Seven’s love em’ and leave em’ attitude because she ends up seeing the club newbie alright…..sitting at the boardroom table of the newly acquired ex boyfriend’s company.  Well, hell.  Now what?

As I said, I read this book in one sitting.  It was raw and gritty but filled with some pretty deep emotional turmoil.  I really enjoyed Seven and her take no prisoners attitude.  She has been hurt far too many times and has made damn sure it won’t happen again.  I liked her even more when she started to show a vulnerable side and threw caution to the wind with Levi, the one-night-stand guy who ended up being so much more.  Levi was a great match for Seven and called her out on some of her issues and really made her take a step back and let him in.  Loved him for that!  The sex between them is smoking hot and has a whole lot of kinkiness to it, so be warned, if you’re not into hardcore kink, you probably shouldn’t read this.  The ending held a surprise that I never saw coming, but was so happy that’s how this story ended and how this is really just the beginning of Levi and Seven’s story.

So, if you’re looking for some serious heat and a kick ass heroine, look not further!  Thank you, Dawn, for an emotional and sizzling read!



Four Loves


About the author:

DRAuthor PicDawn is a woman of many colors. Born and raised in the North-East, the youngest child of three, to two hard working, and extremely dedicated parents, she thrived on her love for creative writing. Her commitment to hard work lead her down a number of career paths over the years, stopping with her love for fiction.

In a bold, and unexpected move, she quit her full-time nine to five gig to thrust herself into her debut erotic novel, Hers.

Dawn is a mother, entrepreneur, and self proclaimed book whore.

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