Please welcome my good friend, and guest blogger, Phoebe Chase as she reviews The Inheritance Part I by Olivia Mayfield. Phoebe was also able to have a little chat with Olivia and you can find that following Phoebe’s review.
Thanks for stoping by and enjoy!
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The Inheritance, Part 1
The Will
Maggie Willings knew that returning home for her estranged grandfather’s funeral would not be easy, but she never expected the reading of his will to be the most difficult part. The four people named in the will—Maggie, her brother Robert, her ex-boyfriend Andrew, and her grandfather’s far-too-young girlfriend Bethany—are given a challenge: find out the truth about what happened to Maggie’s younger sister Cassandra, who vanished over eight years ago, and win the entirety of the estate.
Maggie is thrown by the strange request, reluctant to drag up painful memories of her sister’s disappearance, and bothered by her lingering attraction to Andrew, who wants to team up to solve the mystery. But there are ten million dollars on the line and Maggie has no idea where to start—or who she’ll be able to trust.
Phoebe’s Review:
The Will is the first part of a six-novella mystery-romance serial by Olivia Mayfield. I had so much fun with this first installment! Let’s get some basics out of the way. Part 1 released on Oct. 15th and each subsequent novella will release in the five weeks following. The Will was just about 60 pages on my NOOK.
So, back to the fun. When I finished The Will I felt like I had just finished watching a really good weekly mystery show with a mini cliffhanger ending, whetting my appetite for what’s to come next. I liken it to watching Scandal or Revenge and really looking forward to the next episode. I immediately went to B& and pre-ordered the rest of the series. I’m loving the serial format and the anticipation of what I’ll find out next week.
Mayfield has good descriptive writing that doesn’t try too hard. It’s just the right amount to give you a feel for the setting or what the character is experiencing. And she hooks you from the get-go, with Maggie walking into the lawyer’s office for the reading of the will. They mystery elements are fun and you get just enough clues in this first part to get your sleuth on. I already have a theory (which will probably turn out to be wrong, but that’s part of the fun!)
If you’re looking for something a little different in the romance game, try this serial out. See what the author has to say about The Inheritance and writing in serial format below.
I love the serial format. What made you decide to publish The Inheritance in installments?
This story was begging to be a serial, actually. lol I crafted the plot with a serial format in mind!
I enjoy surprises and the anticipation of waiting for something. I think that’s part of why I find this serial format so fun. I’m so looking forward to my NOOK pinging me when the newest installment is ready! Do you like to be surprised or are you an instant-gratification type of girl?
Insofar as delayed vs. instant satisfaction…depends? When it comes to gifts, I’m greedy and want then NOW NOW NOW. But for some books, it’s soooo delicious, the anticipation of waiting to see what happens.
What are some of your favorite mysteries? Books, TV shows, movies, you name it!
A few of my favorite mysteries are Veronica Mars (holy crap, I adored that series!!), the movie Clue (it still makes me laugh, despite seeing it a million times), and the romantic suspense Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier. I love mystery splashed with drama, and that book delivers!!
Four Loves
About the author:
Phoebe Chase loves books. Keep your eye on her, she may just tempt you with some stories of her own. You can catch a little of what goes on in her head at Wickedly Twisted Tales.
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