
Get it on your Bookshelf Giveaway…Forbidden Love by Ellis Carrington

Happy Friday, guys!  I’ve got a great book to give away today…and one I have on my own to-read list!  
Forbidden Love by Ellis Carrington.
Enter to win in the rafflecopter below.

Book links:


Previously released as Amor Prohibido by Amber Quill / Amber Allure Press.
Jacob Freehan has no job, no man, and no motivation. In pain both from ending a long-term abusive relationship and a severe back injury, he escapes to the sunny seaside town of Puerto Morelos, Mexico for a little yoga, a little R&R, and possibly a place to quietly end his own life.

Pakal is a centuries-old immortal Mayan spirit guide who has been charged with getting Jacob on the path toward healing. Romantic involvement with a spirit charge is strictly forbidden, and it has never been a problem…until now. Pakal sees something special in Jacob, but failure to keep a rapidly growing attraction at bay could result in Jacob losing his life and Pakal being condemned to the Underworld forever…
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. The lion,the Witch and the Wardrobe
    I’m about to start reading it to my Son and can’t wait as I’ve never read it either!

  2. kindlekrazek says

    As one who suffers from chronic pain, this work really caught my eye, so I’d love to win a copy.

  3. I was going to say, if I’m can’t wait to get to it, I’ve usually already started it. However, now that you made me think about it, I realized that I was so waiting for Whiskey and Wry to be released, and I haven’t gotten to it yet (got virtually buried by other books, i suppose). So, thanks for the question because now I will!

    Thank you also for sharing with us! I love the premise of Forbidden Love.


  1. […] those of you still gainfully employed, I haven’t forgotten about you! Read-love-blog and Stumbling Over Chaos are both giving away copies of my Mayan manlove novella, Forbdden Love for […]

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