
ARC Review….Lovers Unmasked by Katee Robert, Cari Quinn, Samanthe Beck, and Tessa Bailey.

The Lovers Unmasked Anthology releases tomorrow, 9/23!

Lovers Unmasked COVER

Book links:

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Mystery and intrigue surround Halloween night as friends unwittingly become lovers, enemies surrender to long-hidden desires, and the heat of passion threatens to consume them all… 

 Enjoy your tricks and treats in this sexy anthology featuring bestselling authors Katee Robert, Cari Quinn, Samanthe Beck, and Tessa Bailey…


Seducing Mr. Right by Katee Robert:


Danielle has a plan—use the company Halloween party to seduce the sexy mail guy who works a few floors up who she’s been meeting for coffee for the past few months. The only problem? He’s not who she thinks he is, and he has seduction plans of his own.

My Review:

This is the first work I have read of Katee’s, and I happily report that I’ve added another name to my list of go-to authors.  I really liked this story and the already present nerves from both Danielle and Grayson…and for very different reasons.  Danielle for taking a chance on telling Grayson she wants to be more than just friends and Grayson having to reveal he isn’t exactly a mail guy.  Their story was hot and intense and I really enjoyed it….oh and the CEO desk scene? DAYUM!


Tempted by His Best Friend by Cari Quinn


Kindergarten teachers aren’t known for breaking the rules, but Steph is ready to go undercover—and get under the covers—to work her magic on her best friend, Landon. Sexy costume necessary, multiple orgasms crucial, real identity optional.

My Review:

This is also the first work of Cari’s that I have read and also another addition to my list of go-to authors.  So, what better night to seduce the best friend you’ve been pining over?  Halloween, of course!  Steph pulls out all the stops and goes into disguise to a Halloween party to get Landon to realize she can be more than his BFF.  Her plans totally work, sort of.  Now she just has to break the news to Landon that the mystery woman from the party that rocked his world was her.  I adored this story!  These two characters were done so well and I had no problem feeling their emotions, and there were more than a few emotions when it involves a deep friendship and the realization that the feelings go way deeper toward one another.  The sexual tension was juicy and delicious and let me tell you, there were some crazy intense smexy scenes that rank up there on the list of some of the best I’ve read.  The welcome desk in the lobby of Landon’s law firm?  Yep….


Wicked Games by Samanthe Beck


When Stacy discovers her sex-on-a-stick ex at her Hollywood Halloween blow-out, she decides to show the cocky homicide detective exactly what he’s been missing. But she’s not the only one plotting revenge, and Ian’s the only one who can save her.

My Review:

Oh how I love Samanthe’s writing and I was so happy to get a look into what’s been going on in the lives of our favorite gal twins and their men! Stacy has had a really great go of things recently….a new career in TV and a hot sex life.  Well, she HAD a hot sex life with Ian until they broke up.  Now, she’s at the strip club she used to dance at for a fun, uninhibited Halloween night with her sister.  Ready to let loose and have fun, she doesn’t want to think of the sexy ex she knows is at the club and the reason he is here.  Stacy has been getting threatening letters and he’s here to make sure she’s ok.  She knows it’s him behind the mask he’s sporting and she’s gonna show him she still knows how to push his buttons.  Damn I love Stacy and her bold, take no prisoners attitude.  She’s a contradiction though in that she’s got more than a few insecurities.  Ian is sex on legs and I love that he knows Stacy better than she knows herself.  Their heat and sexual connection burns up the pages.  An above-and-beyond VIP lap dance?  Someone better open up a window cause it’s getting hot in here!


Protecting What’s Theirs by Tessa Bailey

My Review:

Well, since I am anti-spoiler, I can’t give much away but I will tell you this is another example of Tessa and her hot, sexy, intense, emotional writing starring Derek and Ginger.  Derek is more alpha male than ever and damn, it is beyond hot!  Ginger is exactly how I remember her from Protecting What’s His and I was reminded of her loyal, strong-willed personality and how well her and Derek are together.  Positively delectable!  This couple has made it through some rough spots and this latest novella just proves that they can weather any storm and what they have is ironclad.  Oh, some of Derek’s dirty talking and his sexual prowess up against the hallway wall? Oh. Lord. Yes PLEASE…and pass the fan!


5LovesRLBFive Loves



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