
ARC Review…Crash Into Me by K.M. Scott

Crash Into Me releases August 28

Crash Into Me Cover

Book links:

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What would you give up for everything?

Tristan Stone was powerful, commanding, sex incarnate. And he wore it all so well. From the moment his mesmerizing gaze met mine, I had no choice but surrender to everything he was. His power. His decadence. His passion. He was all I never knew I needed.

He wanted to possess me, and I wanted to be his everything. All I had to do was accept what he offered. But everything has a price.

The world he gave me fulfilled my wildest dreams, but would that be enough when the past crashed into the present?


My review:

Crash Into Me is the first in the first novel in the Heart of Stone Trilogy and certainly kicked off the series with an emotional and passionate bang!

Taking a job as the low man on the totem pole at an art gallery in SOHO wasn’t exactly what Nina Edwards had thought she’d be doing with the art degree she recently earned. But she knew this was all part of paying her dues and would hopefully lead to bigger and better things in the art world. Certainly there had to be bigger and better things than handing out cocktail weenies at art shows. Always one to appreciate the beautiful, eye catching things in life, it’s at one of these showings that she sees Tristan. He’s totally gorgeous and holds himself in a completely powerful and sexy way…he’s also totally out of her league. So when he shows up outside the gallery after she finishes cleaning up, she’s shocked that he asks her if she’d like a ride home. Nina is a pretty street smart gal, and knows she really shouldn’t accept a ride from a stranger, but deciding to take a chance, she says yes….and he ends up taking her on a ride that will ultimately change her life.

Nina and Tristan’s relationship is like a pair of magnets. If one magnet faces the wrong direction, they won’t attract to one another, but if you give that one a flip, the attraction is instant. The thing is, each magnet is just one flip away from repelling the other magnet, and it’s a delicate dance.

I started this book and, being totally honest here, I thought: “oh, another rich, gorgeous billionaire playboy meets the average looking girl and decides he has to have her. He clearly has some sort of issues and she’s going to try fix him. This has SO been done before.” Yes, that is part of the story line BUT that’s where the similarities end. Nina and Tristan’s relationship felt more real to me than any of the other similar stories I have read. They both have a painful past and they both know they have their issues to work through but the crazy intense (almost psycho) tendencies that show up in other stories wasn’t here….and I appreciated that. The steamy parts were deliciously steamy but not overly kinky and held more of a passionate feel. It was a welcome change and again, made their connection seem that much more real.

Now, there are plenty of “hmmmm” moments throughout the book that all come into to play in the last few chapters and really had be looking back and realizing the author did a fabulous job at putting the pieces into place. There is somewhat of a cliffhanger ending but not one that I minded. It was actually a great lead into the next in the series and I am DYING to get my hands on that next book!

All in all, this was a really enjoyable story and I really felt for Nina and Tristan and their situation. It’s steamy, loving, mysterious and enjoyably written. Thank you, K.M., for a kick ass beginning to what I’m sure will be a kick ass series!

4LovesRLBFour Loves


About the author:

A writer for years in other genres, I love the sexier side of romance, both as a reader and author. Well-written erotic romance is just what a girl needs some days when the rest of the world is dumping problems on her doorstep, and I love that I can give readers that erotic escape.

I love hearing from readers, so if you want to get in touch with me, email at kmscottauthor@gmail.com and I’ll get back to you asap.


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