
Adult Angles of Omnific Event

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Omnific Publishing is celebrating all things Omnific, Romance, and Angels! August 5th-10th, participating blogs will be featuring different guest posts, interviews, and excerpts by the authors of The Omnific Angels. Don’t forget to enter the giveaways and visit the other stops by clicking the linky list below. Different blogs will be hosting three different giveaways for each author.

Omnific and the authors would like to invite you to join the Angel Goodreads Group! Head over to Goodreads and see what’s going on: http://www.goodreads.com/group/show/100102-angels-in-romantic-fiction. 

Click here to view the other Angels of Omnific stops and giveaways…

Read-Love-Blog was chosen to host Patricia Leever!  I have a fabulous excerpt, a fun round of questions with a character as well as all of her book info and she has a fantastic giveaway! All the info you need is below:

Patricia Leever’s Adult Event Giveaway: ( US Only)

(1) Print copy of Divinity

(1) Beaded angel wings bookmark

(1) Angel wings earrings (gold toned, hypoallergenic, nickel free)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Divinity cover


(Divinity, #1)



They’re everywhere, hiding in plain sight. Chances are, you’ve interacted with one or two of them in your lifetime without even realizing it…

Demon hunter Evelyn Brighton saves unsuspecting humans from the malevolent creatures masquerading around them every day. Working under the Lebriga Corporation’s direction, she never fails to bring her A-game with her keen skill, fiercely independent spirit, and the best weapon in her arsenal: the Divinity blade.

Evelyn’s world is turned on its ear, however, when she is ordered to train cocky new recruit Daniel Summers. They both feel an instinctive pull drawing them to one another, the ancient spells tattooed into their skin illuminating whenever the two hunters come into contact. But with evil looming over the city of Los Angeles, Evelyn and Daniel’s mutual competitiveness and sense of duty to Lebriga and all humankind forces them to hold back their desires. Will their restraint be enough to keep them focused and save southern California, or will the dark forces prevail?

Set in modern-day Los Angeles, Divinity is an action-filled, fast-paced marriage of urban fantasy and paranormal romance. Edgy, witty, and sexy, it will bind you in its spell.

 Amazon | Barnes and Noble

Clarity cover


(Divinity, 0.5)


Gasping for air inside an ice-filled tub. Convulsing from an electric shock to the brain. Struggling against restraints that bind and gag…

Just another day at Agnews, The Great Asylum for the Insane.

But for Evelyn, the night is so much worse.

“Demons—wearing white coats and crisp white hats—prowled the halls, searching for a patient who would serve as their evening’s entertainment. And from the moment I’d arrived, I seemed to be their favorite play toy.”

A young woman committed to the asylum during the late 19th century, Evelyn knows she isn’t insane, that the creatures she sees and suffers at the clawed hands of aren’t hallucinations. Yet she’s all alone but for their unholy company and the doctors trying to vanquish these “visions.”

All alone but for the others who can see what Evelyn sees, too. And they’re coming for her.

In this short-story prequel to Patricia Leever’s Divinity, we meet Evelyn Brighton before the tattoos—before a century of training and supernatural combat makes her an official bad-ass. Both eerie and endearing, Clarity transports you back to Evelyn’s origins, revealing the crucial turning point that delivers her from misunderstood maiden to deadly demon hunter.

Available for FREE at Omnific Publishing to download: http://omnificpublishing.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=47_38_39&products_id=90

Today’s book blurb is brought to you from Clarity, the short prequel to Divinity (available for FREE download at Omnific Publishing)

And, with that, we accepted Gabriel’s offer.

Kneeling before him as the train careened along, we grasped hands. Alexander and Isolde stood behind us, Alexander’s hand on my shoulder and Isolde’s on Tessa’s. Gabriel likewise placed a hand on each of our heads, and as warmth filled my body, radiating out of every limb, every hair, every fiber of my being, his voice became all-consuming.

“I bestow upon you these angelical gifts: you will fear no illness, for none shall touch you; you will not fear age, for that shall stand aside for you; you will not fear weakness, for my strength shall course through you; you will not fear ignorance, for you shall have the knowledge you seek without effort; and you will not fear death, for when it comes to you, it shall bring you to my side.”

Bright light painted in brilliantly beautiful colors filled the air around us, swirling with life. Warm angelical breath washed over everyone, and I could almost feel Gabriel’s presence within me, building me up, fortifying every molecule in my body. The sensation seemed endless, but in truth, it only lasted for a moment.

When the inside of the car returned to normal, Gabriel was gone and Tessa and I could start our life anew.


One more fun thing for you all today……  Three Random Questions with Gabriel

 Greetings my name is Gabriel, I am the archangel featured in Patricia Leever’s Divinity series and I’m here today to answer three random questions.

  1. Where are your wings?

Really? *sigh* I understand your human minds perceive that being an angel that I must sport a gigantic set of snow white wings. I fully admit that there was a time, in a different millennia, where that was the case and I did, in fact, allow my wings to be visible by the human eye. However, today I find them to be…passé and more than slightly ostentatious. Not to mention, they are enormous when they are unfurled and quite frankly more trouble than they are worth.

2.  I’ve heard that angels have no genitalia, is that true?

Oh for God’s sake that is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. I can assure you that while I do not possess the ability to procreate I do indeed have all the proper, working, equipment. Just because I cannot give a woman a child does not mean I don’t enjoy giving it my best go. Frequently. *wink*

3.  You don’t have a big part in Divinity, but I hear you are going to have a larger part in the sequel, Entity, is that true?

Yes, my part in Divinity is on the small side, but as you mentioned, Patricia has given me a larger part in Entity. I do enjoy interacting with the other characters, even that rude, disgusting bastard, Lucifer who is pleased as punch to make his debut in the series. Honestly, I don’t know why Patricia insisted on bringing that…creature…into the series, but c’est la vie, this is all her her twisted little mind, not mine.


Well, I thank you for joining me in this rousting round of Three Random Questions, it has been an honor to entertain you. I do hope you check out Divinity, and the short prequel, Clarity, which is available for free download at Omnific Publishing. Stay safe and ladies, remember the answer to question two.

Hope you’ve enjoyed this stop on the Adult Angels of Omnific Event!

About the Author

Patricia LeeverPatricia Leever is a wife, stay-at-home mom of four and owner of one dog and one little black cat. On the average school day she runs about town like a lunatic picking-up and dropping off kids and trying to find a moment of quiet to write down a word or two. She’s a sci-fi geek that loves to dress up like a zombie and participate in the local zombie march down Main St. and laugh as much as possible; laughter frees the mind and heals the soul.
Live. Breathe. Write.


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