
Read-Love-Blog’s Cowboy Summer…..Selene’s Review of Tied Up, Tied Down by Lorelei James

Cowboy Summer

Read-Love-Blog’s Cowboy Summer continues with Selene’s review of  Tied Up, Tied Down by Lorelei James 

Tied Up Tied Down COVER

Book Links:

Amazon  ~  Barnes & Noble  ~  Goodreads


…The strongest bonds are the ones unseen.

Businesswoman Skylar Ellison is firmly in control of her life. So getting tangled up with a sexy Wyoming cowboy—and conceiving a baby in the parking lot of a honky-tonk—wasn’t in her plan. Since it appears the daddy has taken off for greener pastures, the only thing to do is pull up her bootstraps and carry on alone.

Cattle rancher Kade McKay returns home after a year on the range, and is knocked for a loop when he learns he’s the father of a three-month-old baby girl. When Skylar refuses to marry him, Kade grits his teeth, moves in and plays house by her rules to prove he’s a man in for the long haul.

Despite Skylar’s insistence they are to remain strictly parenting partners, their old passions flare hot as a brush fire, spurring Kade to demand absolute sexual surrender from the headstrong woman. Skylar willingly submits her body to the hot-blooded cowboy but she’s leery of handing Kade the reins to her heart.

Can Kade convince Skylar the wicked sex games aren’t a temporary distraction? Or will he have to bust out the ropes to show her he wants to be tied to her…forever?


Selene’s Review:


Kade McKay. What can I possibly say about him? All I know is if he were a real man, I would stomp every woman in my way to get at him. He is, quiet simply, the perfect man. A 6 foot, 3 inch hunk of a man with icy blue eyes and almost jet black hair. Oh and he has a killer body, too. I said perfect man, right?

As a fairly tall woman myself, I love to see authors write about other big, tall women instead of those cute, petite little things you could fit in a Barbie box. Not judging, just saying. Skylar Ellison is a force to be reckoned with –a woman always in control… until dreamboat Kade McKay comes along. Well, at first she actually goes out on a date with Kade’s twin brother Kane, but since that didn’t pan out, Kade thought he’d take out the beautiful Skylar while impersonating his brother Kane so that he could save the McKay reputation. This does cause a major rift between Kade and Skylar – she finds out not long after they have sex for the one and only time that he is really Kade and not Kane and she breaks it off. This devastates Kade and he needs time to clear his head so he travels up north for a year. Meanwhile, Sklyar is busy with her company… and busy having Kade’s baby.

Upon finding out about one Miz Eliza Belle, the first girl McKay born since Keely McKay, Kade takes ownership and immediately moves in with his baby girl and her mama. And as soon as he sees Skylar again, and she sees him, the sparks fly anew and they can’t deny their attraction… lucky for us! And I have to say that the sex between them is equal parts hot and sweet, something Lorelei James does so very well.

Another great thing about this book is the many subplots and set-ups for future stories. It adds variety but in no way takes away from the main story.

And last but not least, the many proposals Kade makes to Skylar – NGH! They are unbelievably swoon-worthy! *le sigh*

All books in series were bought by the reviewer through Amazon.

10 million Loves…or maybe just 5.0 Loves since that is all that’s possible.

5LovesRLBFive Loves


From author website:

A bit about me: When I’m not squirreled away behind my laptop writing fun, sexy, contemporary erotic romances set in the modern day Wild West, I can be found reading everything under the sun, practicing yoga until I’m a pretzel, shootin’ my .22, watching the Professional Bull Riders tour on Versus, and running a kid’s taxi service, all in the guise of avoiding housework and rustlin’ up vittles.

Why do I have a particular fondness for all things western? Well, I’m a fourth generation South Dakotan, living in the Black Hills, which is chock-full of interesting characters, including cowboys, Indians, ranchers, and bikers. The geographical diversity of the surrounding area showcases mountains, plains, and badlands. Living in and writing about rural settings gives me a unique perspective, especially since I’m not writing historical westerns. Through my fictional world, I can show the ideals and the cowboy way of life are still very much alive.


  1. Shirley Bastian says

    Lorelei James is a GREAT writer and this entire series is FANTASTIC!!

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