
Review…Witch Bound by Eleri Stone

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Raquel Lindgren knows what her future holds. An arranged marriage. A new home in Ragnarok, Iowa, with another clan of refugees from Asgard. She should be happy. But there’s a mental block preventing her from tapping in to her true abilities as a witch. And she’s more attracted to the best man than she is to the groom…

Fen can’t believe he’s falling for his best friend’s future wife. As a hound, a wolf shifter, his duty lies with the pack. He’s seen too many hounds destroyed by love, and he’s sworn never to take a mate, never to have children of his own. He can’t deny his desire for Raquel, but she deserves more than he can offer her.

Raquel’s been raised to trust in magic, her clan and her destiny. But when a vengeful demon threatens to break out of Asgard and destroy the clan, Raquel learns she must trust in love if she is to take the future into her own hands.


My Review:

This is the second book in Eleri Stone’s Twilight of the Gods Series and for me, was a fresh look at paranormal and I truly enjoyed it!

Nervous and excited, Raquel Lindgren steps through a portal to meet the man she is betrothed to and to meet the new clan she will eventually be the head witch for.  Only there’s a few problems….one major one being she hasn’t exactly come into her full powers yet.  The powers are there,  just simmering beyond the surface and she needs to figure out how to reach into herself and grasp them.  Of course, this has to happen at the same time as demons have been attacking through the portal between the worlds she is supposed to help strengthen.  Another problem? Her sudden and intense attraction to Fen, the best man and best friend of the groom.  What’s a young witch to do when the weight of the clan is on her shoulders and she has a terrible suspicion that she is marrying the wrong man?

For the last 28 years, Fen has come to grips with his decision to remain and unbounded hound…sadly, that means he will forever remain a virgin.  You see, once a hound has sex, he’s bonded to that person forever. The down side to that? Something he’s seen time and time again.  The partner the hound bonds to decided she no longer wants to be a part of it.  Fen has decided that ignoring his desires will always be easier than having a mate who changes her mind….he’d been ok with that…yep, until he laid his eyes on Raquel.  He knows there’s no way he can ignore what he feels for her…too bad she’s going to marry his best friend.

Raquel and Fen not only have to deal with their feelings toward each other, they have to deal with attacks from demons from another realm, Raquel’s issue with her powers, battles, injuries and turmoil within the clan.  Will it prove to be too much?

This was a fantastic story.  I loved the Norse mythology spin on paranormal and thought it was a fresh take on things.  I truly appreciated reading legends that are something new and different!  Raquel is a great heroine.  She realizes her faults and is willing to do what it takes to fix them and become the woman and witch the people need, even if it means putting her own comfort and security aside.  She knows to trust her instincts and is strong and loyal.  Very admirable qualities.  Fen is one of those deliciously dark and distant heroes that had me pining for him from the beginning.  What Eleri did with the triangle between Raquel, Fen and Christian (the man she is supposed to marry) was nail-biting perfection.  I felt for both Christian and Fen and for quite some time, couldn’t decide who I wanted Raquel to choose.  That, to me, is the sign of great writing.  Getting the reader to feel for all sides is a talent.  Ultimately, I was Team Fen and was drooling over him! Of course, I won’t spoil it for you but I will say the last chapter was freaking AMAZING!  A deliciously perfect ending!

I’m sure we will get to see more of Fen, Raquel, Christian and the whole clan because Eleri has hinted at more drama to come for the clan and our favorite members.  Thank you, Ms. Stone, for a fresh and exciting read!  I will be looking forward for more in the Twilight of the Gods Series!

 4LovesRLBFour Loves


About the author:

Eleri Stone was born and raised in New Jersey. She graduated from the University of Iowa, married her college sweetheart, and settled in the Midwest where she still lives with her husband and their three children. A lifelong fan of fantasy, she started reading romance as an adult and was instantly captivated by the strong female protagonists, character-driven storylines and guarantee of a happy-ever-after. Writing fantasy and paranormal romance, she is the author of the Lost City Shifters series (shapeshifter paranormal romance), the Twilight of the Gods series (paranormal romance) and the Spellcraft series (fantasy romance).

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