
Blog Tour & Review….This Love by Nazarea Andrews

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I am so happy to be a part of the Blog Tour for THIS LOVE by Nazarea Andrews! 

Hope you enjoy my review and thanks for stopping by!

This Love COVER

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She wants a summer job and a ride to a wedding.

He wants an assistant and a distraction from the mess life his had become.

They didn’t know they needed each other.

Avery Emili needs two grand. Two grand and a plane ticket–her sister is counting on her to get to Jamaica for her wedding. But the semester is over, and tutoring college freshman and high school students has dried up until the fall.

Atticus Grimes needs help–the messy split with his wife left the twenty-eight year old professor scrambling to keep things together as the semester winds down. Now he’s got a research grant he has to actually do research for and all he wants to do is drown himself in a tall bottle of bourbon.

When Avery sees his ad for an assistant, all she’s thinking is a summer job. But as they spend time together, in the office and out, both of them begin to realize something is there. Something that can’t happen–he’s a professor and she’s a student. And both of them have histories, pasts that won’t let go. Can two broken people pulled apart by expectations find a way to be whole?


My Review:

This Love is the first work I’ve read from author Nazarea Andrews and is the first in her University of Branton Series.  Well, she’s got a new fan in this blogger.  I devoured this book….it was famtastic!

Avery Emili needs two things during this summer break at college….she needs to make some good money for a plane ticket to get to her sister’s wedding and she needs a reason not to go home for summer break.  Easier said than done when the college town you live in turns into a ghost town during the summer months.  So when she finds an add for a research assistant in her area of study, she thinks she’s found the perfect job….until she sees who she will be working for.  A deliciously handsome young professor complete with perfectly mussed dark hair and tattoos peeking out from his dress shirt.  Surley she would be able to keep her mind out of the gutter and keep things professional….right?

Atticus Grimes looks around at the mess of paperwork, files, pizza boxes and realizes he’s desperately in need of some help. His lif has been turned upsidedown after he left his marriage and his work is suffering now, too.  He’s relied on help from his best friend, which apparently included a Craigslist add for a research assistant he had no clue was placed.  Unfortunately, as he sits across from a beautiful and charming applicant, he can’t be upset about the surprise ad.  He’s gotta get focused on getting stuff back on track…he has a feeling this applicant may be exactly what he needs, in more ways than one.

Atticus and Avery both have there own versions of a painful past and in need of healing.  Little do they know that they just may be able to find that in each other.

So, I started this book on a Friday night and was finished by Saturday afternoon.  Yes, it was that good.  It was flirty and fun and emotional and perfectly balanced.  Atticus, or shall I call him Professer Hottiepants, is delectable.  He is smart, sexy, playful and broken, all of which makes for a great book guy.  Avery is equally smart, playful, beautiful and also broken.  Together they just work.  Really, really well. They play off of one another beautifully and build such exquisite sexual tension.  The scenes between them are emotional and damn sexy…really well done *fans self* totally yummy.  This is one of those books that pulls you in from the very beginning and doesn’t let up until the last page.

I cannot wait for this book to release so all of you can grab yourself a copy, settle in by the pool or on the beach, and enjoy some quality time with Professor Hottiepants and Avery! Thank you, Ms. Andrews, for an amazing story!  I am really looking forward to more of the University of Branton Series! *cough, Dane, cough*

5LovesRLBFive Loves


About the author:

photo-11Nazarea Andrews is an avid reader and tends to write the stories she wants to read. She loves chocolate and coffee almost as much as she loves books, but not quite as much as she loves her kids. She lives in south Georgia with her husband, daughters, and overgrown dog.

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  1. Awesome review – This looks so good! Added to my TBR pile!!

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