
Blog Tour, Guest Post & Giveaway…Officer Off Limits by Tessa Bailey


Happy Tuesday! As you may know, I am a huge fan of Tessa Bailey so I am super excited to be a part of the Officer Off Limits Blog Tour!

Tessa was kind enough to stop by for a guest post today and I can’t wait for you to read what she has to say about the always delicious alpha male hero.  

Also, I’m giving away an eCopy of OFFICER OFF LIMITS to one lucky reader!  Enter to win in the rafflecopter below. 

Thanks for stopping by and enjoy! 

Officer Off Limits Cover

Book links:

Amazon  ~  Barnes & Noble  ~  iBooks  ~  Kobo 


His need to possess her is non-negotiable.

Story Brooks’ fiancé just called off their wedding two weeks before the happy day. As if that isn’t bad enough, her semi-estranged father, an infamous NYPD hostage negotiator, has suffered a heart attack. Not wanting to examine her lack of emotion over the broken engagement, she hops on a plane to reconnect with her father before it’s too late.

Playboy hostage negotiator Daniel Chase has never, not once, been refused by a woman, so when a debate over hospital snack foods with a delectable kindergarten teacher ends in flat-out rejection, he makes it his mission to seduce her. His only obstacle? She’s the daughter of his mentor who implicitly forbade Daniel from pursuing her.

Despite her father’s warnings and Daniel’s troubled past, Daniel and Story can’t resist their intense attraction to one another. But when the reason for her fiancé’s abrupt wedding cancellation comes to light, can Story and Daniel’s already forbidden relationship survive?


Guest Post:

What Makes an Alpha Male so Alluring to a Gal?

“The simple answer is DNA. Hear me out.

Women can pretty much do anything. I realized this right around the time I gave birth to another human being. I was lying there thinking, oh my god, I could conquer France right now if I so desired. And still fit in an hour of Pilates. I’m like, a freaking warrior and I had no idea. As times have changed and women have moved into positions of power (I’m not just talking about in the corporate world, I’m talking about everywhere, even at home), we’ve been conditioned to meet men halfway. Pick the restaurants, pay half the check and find your own damn way home. All this on top of acting like you cringe in the face of commitment just so homeboy doesn’t freak out and make a break for it before your main course arrives. That’s if you’re lucky enough for him to spring for dinner.

So…this is what we wanted right? To be equal in all things, including love? Yes and no. In the workplace or when making household decisions, we obviously deserve to have a voice that counts. But when it comes to the dynamic in our relationships (this is where the DNA comes in) we, as women, have a built-in mechanism that…hmmm…wouldn’t mind a man taking care of us a little. Even just for an hour in bed. It’s not something that should make us ashamed or feel inadequate. It should increase our feeling of power because we’re ultimately being revered. Cherished. Yay, us.

My best friends, twenty-something girls trying to navigate the dating scene here in New York, have such a difficult time figuring out what a man wants from them. These guys flirt like crazy, then don’t ask them out, leaving the ball in the woman’s court. For once, wouldn’t it be nice to have a man tell you exactly what he’s thinking? Where the hell he wants the evening to go? Mystery is overrated, in my opinion.

Enter my heroes

They are alpha males that say very bad things. Things maybe the heroine didn’t realize she wanted to hear all along. She should be offended, but instead she’s turned on. A man who knows exactly what he wants and isn’t afraid to voice that desire is sexy as all get-out. That is why alpha males appeal to women. It eliminates the guesswork and throws in a whole lot of sexy excitement.”


Enter to win an eCopy of OFFICER OFF LIMITS here and for more stops, and more fun, on the Blog Tour, click HERE

a Rafflecopter giveaway

About the author:

Tessa lives in Brooklyn, New York with her husband and young daughter. When she isn’t writing or reading romance, Tessa enjoys a good argument and thirty-minute recipes.

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  1. What’s not to love about a hot alpha male!

  2. The whole bossiness thing!

  3. Love your alpha males and nobody writes them better than you.

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