My Now & Forever releases today!
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Whose parents abandon them in a trashy trailer when they are five years old? Oh Yeah! Mine do!
Hey Hoochies! I’m Milly, and I am tired of taking kicks to the gut. A broken family, an asshole husband and the loss of loved ones have left me crying Uncle, and declaring a serious case of the Fuck-Its!
I had my heart broken, stomped on and shattered before I ever started on my journey to find my little piece of happiness. With a bucket list, a ’66 Ford and wild dreams, I set out on an adventure that changed my life forever. Follow me on my journey that resurrected my inner badass.
I found my soul sista from another mista, and opened my dream shop along the way. Just when I gave up on finding true love, a pirate and a princess swept me off my ever lovin’ feet and filled my world with sprinkles, mac n’ cheese and the courage to live again. They forced my fragile heart to trust and love without fear.
Truth is, nobody’s past stays hidden forever. It’s an invisible monster waiting to attack and destroy. It has the capability to ruin everything you’ve worked to set right. All it takes is one final blow to the gut to end everything.
My Review:
My Now & Forever is the debut work from author H. J. Bellus and let me say, she started her writing career with a real bang! I was already hooked after reading the synopsis….and it only got better from there!
Milly starts out her story by giving us a glimpse into her awfully sad childhood…and I was crying by the second page. Things don’t really improve much for the funny, spirited, entertaining gal until the loss of the only person that has ever truly mattered in her life. That’s when Milly decides it’s time to take control of her life and happiness. This is where the fun begins! Starting off with a bucket list “thingy”, Milly takes us on an emotional ride that had me laughing hysterically one minute and crying the next. C’mon, you all know I love that kind of book! After she decides on a new place to start her new life, she finds true friendship and gets a chance at real love. We meet some amazing characters along the way…Lacey, her new BFF, and Cree, the new man in her life but typical for Milly, things are never easy. Cree has a past, and even though Milly is willing to take a chance and look past it, the past comes back to bite them in the ass. But Milly isn’t going to give up her new amazing life without a fight…and it’s one she’s determined to win.
I adored this book! ADORED! I finished it in a day, it was that good. Milly is just too amazing. She’s fun and bright and foul-mouthed and simply incredible. Her outlook on the craptastic cards life has dealt her is truly admirable. Life handed her lemons and she turned it into a spiked lemonade cocktail with a paper umbrella! She is a gal I would love to hang out with! Cree is freaking drool-worthy to the max. He’s gorgeous with a charm about him that had me sighing out loud on more than one occasion. Don’t even get me started on his magic sprinkles! (can’t spoil it for you, you just gotta read the book!) He is one hell of a catch and together Milly and Cree are book-couple perfection. They each bring the missing piece into one another’s lives and it’s magical to see play out.
I also have to mention that Lacey and Milly together are freaking HILARIOUS and have language that gives an insight on what girl talk is really like…at least for me and my gals it is!
So, add this book to your summer reading list and sit back and enjoy the ride….I know it’s going to be a book I will be recommending for quite some time! Thank you, H.J., for a kick-ass read and I can’t wait for more!
*I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review
Five Loves
About the author:
I am an independent author excited about releasing my first novel very soon. A big dream coming true!!! I’m all country…the kinda country where green grass grows and corn pops up in rows….love Miranda and her bad ass music!!! Just a simple country girl getting one story out of her head at a time…I always fall hard for a trucker style hat…especially if it’s a John Deere hat….loves me a good ol’ farm boy!!!!!!
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