
Review……Spending the Holidays with People I Want to Punch in the Throat

Well, it seems as though the holiday season is once again upon us.  Bring on the holiday parties, family gatherings, cookies and cheer!  And in some cases….people you want to punch in the throat.

I came across a blog post from a gal named Jen last year about a curious (and creepy) little elf that goes around messing houses up while kids sleep and the moms who were really responsible for this.  I found myself reading and nodding in agreement to every damn word she had written.  I thought: “this foul mouthed, sarcastic mom, Jen, is a friggin GENIUS”!  I then realized there were more posts from her besides just this one….in fact, there were TONS!  Tons of snarky gems filled with sarcasm and oozing with back-handed humor and at it was at that point that I became part of the People I Want to Punch in the Throat following.

I’m sure you can just imagine how freaking thrilled I was when I found that Jen had put out a book.  I mean, really…..combining all of the things I love about her blog and putting it into my favorite thing on this earth: a book! Could it get any better?!?  Nope!  I immediately knew I had to share this find with you all.  Mainly so you all could laugh yourself through this cookie-baking, card-making, gift-buying, and if I’m being honest, INSANE time of year.  Jen gives us stories ranging from her toddler rant that became family legend to those oh-so-enjoyable cookie exchange parties.  With chapter titles like “White Trash Dollhouse” and “Like a Neon Virgin in Guess Jeans and Swatch Watches” and all the hilarity in-between, this is a MUST read for all of you!  So bust out the vino and get to reading….you WON’T be disappointed!

Oh, and thanking all that is holy, it includes my favorite chapter, and the blog post that introduced me to the world of the throat punch: “Over Achieving Elf on a Shelf Mommies”.

Thank you, Jen, for being appropriately inappropriate and giving me, among many, that “thank f@ck I’m not alone in having these thoughts!” moment.  Happy Holidays!


Buy it on Amazon here: http://www.amazon.com/Spending-Holidays-People-Throat-ebook/dp/B009KYXYDW

People I Want to Punch in the Throat blog can be found here: http://www.peopleiwanttopunchinthethroat.com/

5LovesRLBFive Loves


  1. Although my husband prefered place to punch people is in the face, I’m sure he will find this more than amusing.
    I have my own “Punch in the __________” list.

  2. Fiona Picklebottom says

    So commenting here is going to blow my blogging anonymity, but since my posting has been sporadic at best and I’ve never said anything to piss anyone off… well, no one from around here anyway, I’ll risk it because I have to ask these questions:

    Do you really get tattoos for books? What criteria must the books meet to garner a tattoo? What books have earned tattoos thus far and what is each tattoo? Are you concerned that at some point you will have loved so many books that the entire surface of your skin will be covered in tattoos? And finally, let’s say that you considered “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo,” tattoo-worthy. A tattoo of a dragon would be too obvious, so what would you get?

    After all this repetition, is the word “tattoo” sounding as ridiculous to you as it is to me? 🙂

    • Well, I am flattered you are blowing your blogging anonymity on moi! Ok…here we go!

      Yes, I really do have book related tattoos. Although, just looking at me you can’t tell since they are all hidden (I like to make people think I’m tame and shock the crap out of them when I show the tatts off.) I will get a tattoo if I just love the book, or series, so damn much that I’d love a reminder I can see every day. It also helps that the books I’ve chosen have symbols to get tattooed haha! I currently have a decent amount of space left so I don’t think I’m in danger of covering the entire surface of my body….yet 😉 The book tattoos I have so far are: the dark hunter double bow and arrow (from Sherrilyn Kenyon’s series), the black daggers (from J.R. Ward’s series), the Cullen crest (from Twilight), the four horseman symbol (from Larissa Ione’s Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse series – see my review on the site to see why. It’s super special to me) and the cross/treble clef/knitting needle tattoo (from Debra Anastasia’s Poughkeepsie). I do have a few tattoos that aren’t book related as well. Good question about “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”! That’s tough…hmmm…I’d like to say I’d come up with something original but I’d probably end up with the dragon haha!!

      I’m so glad I’m not the only one who thinks words sound bizarre after repeating them a bazillion times! Yep…”tattoo” is now on that list!

  3. Fiona Picklebottom says

    Got a message today that you asked if I had seen the picture. What picture? I imagine it’s of the tattoos? Would love to see it… I think.

    • Hi Fiona! There are pics of the tattoos up on the Read-Love-Blog Pinterest site 🙂 If you’re interested….

      • OK, now I’ve seen them. Wow, those aren’t some tiny little tattoos, either. You are COMMITTED! I’ve occasionally considered the thought of getting a tattoo, but I have this aversion to things that might hurt. 🙂

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